Filtering by Category: interview

Episode 5: Tanner Merritt

Tanner Merritt is the podcast guest for episode 5! You may know him from Atlanta rock juggernaut O'Brother. We talk about making a healthy work/creative/home-life balance and how that is constantly shifting with the tides of the music industry. Speaking of shifting. After our small hiatus, the podcast has returned but made some changes of its own.

Episode 4: Scott Ayotte

We talk with our friend Scott Ayotte about him pulling double duty as the lead singer/guitarist of Born Without Bones and the touring guitarist for The Hotelier. We also chat about how mini-van rock, Rocky Balboa and Dave Chappelle have influenced his approach to being a musician. We also shamelessly plug his new record, which we both love.

Episode 2: Eddie Breckenridge

Episode 2: We have a wonderful conversation with our friend Eddie Breckenridge. We talk about Anything Else other than him being the bass player of the band Thrice. We chat with him about other bands he plays in, The Women's March on Washington, being a courtesy member of Stanford and intense videogame addiction. 

(note: this episode was cursed with minor technical difficulties which will be ironed out of future episodes, thanks for figuring this out with us!)